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What is Organic Japanese green tea?

It refers to Japanese green tea that is cultivated on an organic certified tea farm, and processed by an organic certified tea processing company. Both the farm and tea processing company are certified organic by an organic certification body under the regulation of JAS, the Japanese Agriculture Standards.






There are some strict requirements in order for the tea farm to be “organic certified”. Organic certified tea farm needs to first ensure that its lands are free from chemicals such as pesticides and artificial fertilizers at least three years prior to certification. After which, cultivation must be carried out following the requirements of organic certification. These requirements are:

  • the prohibition of the use of pesticides, synthetic fertilizers and human sewage sludge fertilizer;

  • the absence of genetically modified organisms;

  • ensuring no contamination of pesticides or synthetic fertilizers from neighboring farms;

  • keeping detailed records of farm operation for annual audit and inspection;

  • receiving strict annual audit and inspection by organic certification body for farming operations.






An organic certified tea processing company processes and packages its organic teas in line with the organic regulations set by JAS (the Japanese Agriculture Standards), at its organic certified facilities which are inspected annually. The organic regulations require strict documentation records for each processing process to ensure that all requirements for organic tea processing are met and traceable. Some of these requirements are:


  • to store the organic crude teas and processed teas in storage spaces in the absence of any non-organic teas or raw materials;

  • to process and pack organic teas in separate facilities from non-organic teas;

  • to record all processing procedures from the time the organic raw materials are delivered to the time the processed organic tea leaves the facilities.






Location – Located in southern Japan, on the island of Kyushu, in Kagoshima. It has a subtropical climate with abundance sunshine and bountiful rainfall. Teas fields are vast, a characteristic feature of Kagoshima tea farms.


High Altitude – Our organic team farm is found on an elevation of about 500 meters above sea level, in a mountainous region. Fast changing air pressure on this high altitude leads to the formation of mist, which acts as a natural 'shade' over the tea plants, shielding the plants from direct exposure to the sun, helping the tea leaves to retain as much of their amino acids, the main elements contributing to the natural sweetness of the tea leaves. The mist also protects the tea leaves from the frost form as a result of low nightly temperatures. The sharp difference in the day and night temperatures on this high elevation produces tea with a rich, full-body flavour.


Mineral rich soil - Due to a volcanic eruption several thousand years ago, the soil has a rich mineral content.


Mineral rich spring water - Blessed with an abundance of mineral-rich spring water, our farm has a few reservoirs to store the water. Utilizing such water in the steaming process of the tea enhances the color of the tea leaves.


Neighbouring Organic Farms – Our organic tea farm is surrounded by organic certified farms or farms which are not organic certified but are practicing organic cultivation. This eliminates the possibilities of pesticides contamination. All our organic teas are tested for pesticides and radiation residues at the strictest laboratory in Germany.


Tea Plants with Strong Roots - Our farmers allow the young plants to reach five years of age before harvesting the leaves. By not disrupting the growth of plants before the age of five, roots grow longer and deeper into the ground, drawing up more nutrients which helps in building stronger roots. With strong roots, plants do not fall prey to diseases or pests easily, which is important in organic farming as the use of pesticides or chemicals are not permitted.


No Synthetic Fertilizers, Only Home-Made Organic Compost - Despite the availability of some commercial organic fertilizers permitted for use in organic farming, our farmer chooses to use his own compost. He makes it from organic materials such as wild mountain plants, leaves, sawtooth, oak, soil, etc., all readily available from nearby mountains.

He ferments these materials for four years while most farmers do so for only a year. This is a tedious job requiring constant precise moisture monitoring and proper aeration by regularly turning the mixture with the use of a power shovel.


Pesticide-Free - Our farmer do not use any pesticides on his farm, not even 'Jochugiku', a natural pesticide. Without the presence of pesticides, the natural habitats of beneficial insects which feed on harmful pests are not disturbed nor destroyed, resulting in a farm thriving with beneficial insects in summer when harmful pests are most active.

Besides that, our farmer and his workers also use a simple machine which comes with a blower and a spray. The blower emits a strong gust of wind to blow pests of leaves and the spray lets off water at a high pressure simultaneously, eliminating the pests.

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