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6 Reasons to Choose Matcha over Coffee

Slower Caffeine Release with Clean, Calm Energy

Both Matcha and Coffee can give you an energy boost, though they do so differently.

Coffee is known for providing an instant energy kick that reduces sleepiness and fatigue. This happens because your body rapidly absorbs up to 99% of its caffeine, meaning that the compound may reach peak blood concentration levels as soon as 15 minutes after intake. Coffee causes spikes in adrenaline glucose and insulin levels, which in turn may create jitteriness and nervousness.


Similarly, Matcha contains caffeine. However, this beverage may boost your energy at a slower pace.

Matcha also contains L-theanine, an amino acid found in the green tea plant that can reduce stress by increasing alpha waves in your brain. Due to the presence of the L-theanine phytonutrient, the caffeine is stored in the body and released at a much slower pace.


On average, it takes up to three hours for the body to absorb the whole caffeine content of matcha green tea. This enables it to keep the body energized for a longer period without suffering the consequences of a caffeine spike.



Better Oral Hygiene

Matcha’s antibacterial properties extend further to provide vital protection to the teeth, prevent plague build-up and improve general oral health. On the other hand, coffee stains the teeth and also causes bad breath.



Better Concentration and Focus

Matcha green tea puts its users in a positive mood and helps them concentrate better. This is made possible by the increased secretions of serotonin and dopamine in the body. Both elements are vital neurotransmitters that are effective in preventing depression and stabilizing mood.



Matcha is full of antioxidants

Antioxidants are substances, which prevent or slow down oxidisation effects on the food you eat, or more importantly, on the cells inside your body. This basically means that antioxidants assist with fighting off sickness and disease inside your body, the more antioxidants, the less chance you have of getting sick.


Matcha has around 63,000 ORAC (Oxygen Radical Absorbance Capacity) units, which is 50 times greater than the amount found in regular brewed green tea. Matcha has significantly more antioxidants, because you are consuming the entire dried tea leaf when you drink it. You are also absorbing all of the Matcha tea leaves benefits in full. 



Matcha is easier to make

Basically, Matcha doesn’t require any kind of fancy equipment to make. It doesn’t require an oversized and overpriced piece of brewing equipment, just to get the right temperature, pressure and moisture levels. You will just need a spoon, bowl and whisk. Moreover, you can literally do anything with Matcha, including baking, ice cream, lattes, iced beverages.



Burning Calories faster, Increase Metabolism Rate

Another distinct advantage that coffee lacks is the ability to increase metabolism rate and help to burn calories at a faster pace. Many weight loss products contain matcha green tea extracts due to its proven prowess of burning calories 4 times faster than the normal rate, allowing users to benefit from faster weight loss.


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Coffee and matcha are two popular caffeinated drinks. They both have antioxidants and even share some health benefits. They also have their share of pros and cons that you should consider before choosing one over the other.

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