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Matcha is a Superfood. Studies have shown that Japanese green tea contains several nutrients which are beneficial to human health. There are nutrients that are soluble and non-soluble. Soluble nutrients are consumed with the tea while insoluble nutrients are left trapped in the used tea leaves. Below are the main soluble nutrients of Japanese green tea and their beneficial health effects.



  • Anti-oxidant - Lower oxidative stress which can cause cancer.

  • Controls blood pressure - Helps in suppressing the rise of blood pressure.

  • Helps with weight control - Helps to prevent the breakdown of carbohydrates in foods to glucose.

  • Suppressing the rise of cholesterol - Helps to lower LDL, or bad cholesterol, preventing heart diseases.

  • Antibacterial, anti-virus - Helps to curb the growth of various types of bacteria and viruses.

  • Helps to prevent cavities - Helps to curb the growth of bacteria in teeth which can cause tooth decay.

  • Helps to improve intestinal bacterial flora - Helps to increase probiotic beneficial bacteria.

  • Anti-allergy - Helps to prevent allergy against pollens, etc.

  • Odor eliminating - Effective in eliminating bad smells.



  • Relaxing effect - Calms the nervous system of the brain.



  • Anti-scurvy prevention - Helps to prevent scurvy due to Vitamin C deficiency disease.

  • Anti-oxidant - Lowers oxidative stress which can cause cancer.

  • Cold prevention - Helps boost the immune system which helps to prevent colds.



  • Anti-scurvy prevention - Helps to prevent scurvy due to Vitamin C deficiency disease.

  • Anti-oxidant - Lowers oxidative stress which can cause cancer.

  • Cold prevention - Helps boost the immune system which helps to prevent colds.



  • Anti-bacterial - Gurgling with Japanese green tea helps in eliminating virus in the throat. Consuming Japanese green tea helps in protecting the stomach linings.

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